
Monday, October 24, 2011


食品安全检测尚存 农兽药残留、真菌毒素、致病菌、转基因……要了解食品真相,这些看不见的检测数据至关重要。在上海,相关监管部门每年要监测各类食品1万余件,获得超过12万项次的监测结果,抽检比例达8件/千人。 经过历时3个月的调研,上 ... 食品安全检测尚存"优化"空间(图)

Card overheating, but ‥ hoewonmojipbi growing competition

Card overheating, but ‥ hoewonmojipbi growing competition Recruitment costs of credit card competition concerns geupjeunghae is overheating. 26 days, according to banking industry credit card issuer in the first half of this year's recruitment costs during the same period last year to 386.6 billion won (257.2 billion won), compared to 129.4 billion won increased. Recruitment costs in the first half of this year, 2008, the entire card (3794 ...Card overheating, but ‥ hoewonmojipbi growing competition

食用农产品价格涨势收敛 10月CPI有望下破6%

食用农产品价格涨势收敛 10月CPI有望下破6% 10月份以来农产品价格"高开低走",商务部监测的食用农产品价格近两周持续回落,其中蔬菜、鸡蛋、猪肉的价格降幅较为明显。 农产品价格涨势收敛,佐证了市场对物价走势的判断,机构普遍预测10月居民消费价格指数(CPI)同 ... 食用农产品价格涨势收敛 10月CPI有望下破6%

«La Source des femmes», une ode à l'amour

«La Source des femmes», une ode à l'amour Avant même que ne démarre le film, le réalisateur prévient les spectateurs qu'il s'agit d'un conte et que l'action aurait pu se passer dans n'importe quel endroit, en Afrique du Nord comme au Moyen-Orient. Une fois ce détail réglé, les premières images ... «La Source des femmes», une ode à l'amour

From the post of president next year Lap-Chee Tsui

From the post of president next year Lap-Chee Tsui [Daily News Reuters Chancellor and President, University of Hong Kong Professor (chart), through the State Council Vice Premier Li Keqiang to visit large and attracted a great uproar, the decision yesterday suddenly announced the end of August next year after the end of two terms, no longer continue to serve, will end 10 was Vice-Chancellor career. HKU Council at the next meeting to discuss the next president of the selection and transfer arrangements. Lap-Chee Tsui of Hong Kong yesterday to attend a scholarship ...From the post of president next year Lap-Chee Tsui

Muamar Gadafi fue sepultado en un lugar secreto de Libia

Muamar Gadafi fue sepultado en un lugar secreto de Libia El ex dirigente libio Muamar Gadafi fue enterrado la noche del lunes en un lugar secreto por el nuevo régimen, que pidió este martes la prolongación de la misión de la OTAN en Libia. Uno de sus hijos, Saif al Islam, y el ex jefe de los servicios de ... Muamar Gadafi fue sepultado en un lugar secreto de Libia

2 verdachten Satudarah vrij

2 verdachten Satudarah vrij De politie doet met groot materieel een inval bij Satudarah in Zundert, oktober 2011. Foto: ANP BREDA - Twee leden van de motorclub Satudarah die vorige week werden opgepakt, zijn dinsdagmiddag weer vrijgelaten. Zij worden nog wel verdacht van het ... 2 verdachten Satudarah vrij


中央财政已分批下达1522亿元保障性安居工程补助资金 新华网北京10月25日电(记者 杜宇 周英峰)住房城乡建设部部长姜伟新25日介绍说,今年中央财政已分批下达1522亿元保障性安居工程补助资金。 在此间举行的十一届全国人大常委会第23次会议第二次全体会议上,受国务院委 ... 中央财政已分批下达1522亿元保障性安居工程补助资金

Human Rights, "beat-infested ago, the abolition of the Advisory uigyeong"

Human Rights, "beat-infested ago, the abolition of the Advisory uigyeong" Beatings and mistreatment by the National Human Rights Commission and the police in the chronically raised uigyeong abolish the foreground and tell the government urged. Human Rights Commission also, "I, the main mission of uigyeong daegancheop indedo ops siwijinapdeung reality is managed by the police auxiliary personnel," said a "professional ...Human Rights, "beat-infested ago, the abolition of the Advisory uigyeong"

举一反三 郑州日产NV200车主谈车志

举一反三 郑州日产NV200车主谈车志 之所以在题目里把人的思考能力套用到车的身上,是因为郑州日产(微博)NV200实在是一款"聪明"的车。这款建立在轿车平台上的厢式车、注重舒适性和应用成本的CDV,以在空间、多功能性、经济性、动力以及外观等多方面的综合 ... 举一反三 郑州日产NV200车主谈车志

Chinese artists went to Belarus cultural documentary

Chinese artists went to Belarus cultural documentary China Enterprise News China Enterprise News Daily (Reporter Xushun Xi Zhou Ting Liu Han Kai Photography) reports: the Republic of Belarus Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture, Artists Alliance's invitation! China cultural exchange visit to visit Belarus delegation of 20, China Central Television famous show host ...Chinese artists went to Belarus cultural documentary

光棍节成网购狂欢节 淘宝商城百万商品全场5折

光棍节成网购狂欢节 淘宝商城百万商品全场5折 因为淘宝商城,每年的光棍节11月11日已经成为网购的标志性日子。今年淘宝商城双11如何玩?来自淘宝商城的消息称,2011年双11活动已经进入冲刺阶段,今年的主题是全民网购狂欢节。保障品质、提升消费体验是今年淘宝商城 ... 光棍节成网购狂欢节 淘宝商城百万商品全场5折

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