
Monday, November 14, 2011

经历了6次手术 坚强的兜宝,就要回家了 图

经历了6次手术 坚强的兜宝,就要回家了 图 只有19个月大的兜宝是个争气的孩子,11月14日下午两点,出发去做最后一次放疗。 一个多月来,有这样一位思儿心切的母亲,为了生计,人在杭州上班,心却挂在北京治病的儿子身上。她不断用微博诉说着对儿子的思念:"上班的 ... 经历了6次手术 坚强的兜宝,就要回家了 图

Ukrayna: 2 - Avusturya: 1

Ukrayna: 2 - Avusturya: 1 Ukrayna Milli Takımı ile Avusturya Milli Takımı'nın, Ukrayna'nın batısındaki Lviv şehrinde oynadıkları dostluk maçı 2-1 Ukrayna'nın zaferi ile neticelendi. 2012 Avrupa Futbol Şampiyonası'nın (Euro 2012) karşılaşmalarının oynanacağı Arena Lviv Stadı'nın ... Ukrayna: 2 - Avusturya: 1

Al-Qaida head recalls 'human side' of bin Laden

Al-Qaida head recalls 'human side' of bin Laden AP CAIRO -- Here's how the new head of al-Qaida remembers Osama bin Laden: A sensitive man who cried when his friends lost family members, remained close to his children despite the hard life of an international jihadist, ... Al-Qaida head recalls 'human side' of bin Laden

Alinea only Chicago restaurant to earn 3 stars from Michelin

Alinea only Chicago restaurant to earn 3 stars from Michelin BY JANET RAUSA FULLER November 15, 2011 3:44PM Grant Achatz's Alinea restaurant, 1723 North Halsted, was the lone recipient of Michelin's highest honor -- three stars. | Sun-Times file And the coveted three Michelin stars go to . ... Alinea only Chicago restaurant to earn 3 stars from Michelin

Só a vitória interessa contra a Bósnia

Só a vitória interessa contra a Bósnia O Estádio da Luz assiste hoje a uma página decisiva na história do futebol português. Portugal discute hoje com a Bósnia-Herezgovina a segunda mão do playoff de acesso ao Euro 2012, após o nulo registado em Zenica, na sexta-feira. ... Só a vitória interessa contra a Bósnia

"Vicentillo" dice que el Gobierno de EEUU conspiró con el Cartel de Sinaloa

"Vicentillo" dice que el Gobierno de EEUU conspiró con el Cartel de Sinaloa La defensa del narcotraficante mexicano Vicente Zambada Niebla, que será juzgado en EE.UU. a partir de febrero, alega que la autoridades estadounidenses conspiraron con el Cartel de Sinaloa y prometieron inmunidad a sus jefes. ... "Vicentillo" dice que el Gobierno de EEUU conspiró con el Cartel de Sinaloa

Wilco shares 'The Whole Love' with community

Wilco shares 'The Whole Love' with community (CNN) -- Jeff Tweedy and John Stirratt arrive in the balcony box overlooking the stage before CNN is done setting up the camera equipment. It's a little awkward at first, as the only two original Wilco band members gingerly ... Wilco shares 'The Whole Love' with community

APEC: Ottawa promet de protéger le secteur agricole

APEC: Ottawa promet de protéger le secteur agricole Certains des pays qui sont déjà engagés dans les pourparlers afin de créer la nouvelle zone de libre-échange du Pacifique voient d'un très mauvais oeil le système canadien de gestion de l'offre, qui sert bien les intérêts des producteurs agricoles, ... APEC: Ottawa promet de protéger le secteur agricole

Minister Lim Hng Kiang to attend AEC meeting in Bali

Minister Lim Hng Kiang to attend AEC meeting in BaliMinister Lim Hng Kiang to attend AEC meeting in Bali SINGAPORE - Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Lim Hng Kiang, will be in Bali, Indonesia tomorrow to attend the 6th ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) council meeting. The meeting is being held in the run-up to the 19th ASEAN Summit. ... Minister Lim Hng Kiang to attend AEC meeting in Bali


山东26个县三年未向校舍安全建设投一分钱 本报济南11月14日讯 自2009年开始的中小学校舍安全工程被称为"等不起"的民生工程。然而11月14日,副省长黄胜在我省推进教育规划纲要落实工作会议上透露,截至目前,全省26个县(市、区)未向校舍安全工程投一分钱。 为提 ... 山东26个县三年未向校舍安全建设投一分钱

Monti vil være statsminister til 2013

Monti vil være statsminister til 2013 Den nyutnevnte italienske statsministeren Mario Monti håper på å samle en regjering som kan å sitte til neste valg i 2013. Økonomiprofessor og tidligere EU-kommissær Mario Monti gjennomførte mandag sin første abeidsdag som statsminister i det ... Monti vil være statsminister til 2013

低于18℃超一天 可退相应采暖费

低于18℃超一天 可退相应采暖费 本报讯 (记者雷风雨)从今晨开始,本市进入为期4个月的正式供热期。供热期内,居民室温经测温低于18℃,超过24小时未解决的,可要求退还相应采暖费。 今年市供热行政主管部门对《天津市供热用热条例》中的一些条款进行了 ... 低于18℃超一天 可退相应采暖费

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