
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


宿迁一名局长暧昧短信曝光后被免职(组图) 【连云港传媒网】10月31日上午,宿迁论坛上贴出了一组题为"潘局长,喊你情人把手机领回去"的照片,照片内容为"潘局长"和一女子暧昧短信内容。根据内容判断,很快有网友搜索出了"手机短信"中提到的"潘局"为宿迁市宿豫区 ... 宿迁一名局长暧昧短信曝光后被免职(组图)


通鼎光电:募投项目光纤生产线达产(图) 通鼎光电今日公告,截至10月31日,总投资约3.68亿元的上市募投项目"年产光纤700万芯公里项目"全部达产。本次募集资金投资项目完成后,可大幅提升公司资产规模,优化产品结构,提高公司通信光缆生产能力及产品毛利率,并 ... 通鼎光电:募投项目光纤生产线达产(图)

U.S. sales of the three major car dealers Johnson is expected in October

U.S. sales of the three major car dealers Johnson is expected in October [Hong Kong Commercial Daily News] GM, Ford and Chrysler were announced Tuesday in the U.S. market in October car sales data. Data showed that the three companies increase sales, and analysts are not expected. Analysts had expected the October car sales since February the best month. Universal released the report, the company in the U.S. market in October sales increased 2% to 186,900; ...U.S. sales of the three major car dealers Johnson is expected in October

Magdalena Neuner spielt in ARD-Serie: Gold-Lena glänzt als TV-Star

Magdalena Neuner spielt in ARD-Serie: Gold-Lena glänzt als TV-Star Von der Loipe ins TV. Doppel-Olympiasiegerin Magdalena Neuner vor der Kamera für „Sturm der Liebe" Unsere Gold-Lena glänzt jetzt als TV-Star! Gestern drehte Neuner sechs Szenen für einen Gast-Auftritt in der ARD-Telenovela „Sturm der Liebe" (bisher ... Magdalena Neuner spielt in ARD-Serie: Gold-Lena glänzt als TV-Star


中国移动北京公司开展 节能环保、低碳发展的理念已经深入人心。作为有高度社会责任感的企业,中国移动(微博)北京公司始终重视节能减排工作。在集团公司的周密部署和大力支持下,中国移动北京公司深入贯彻和落实科学发展观,持续、高效推动"绿 ... 中国移动北京公司开展"绿色行动计划"纪实

"Return loads were chaenggira" Confessions

"Return loads were chaenggira" Confessions Discovered in the return of ambassador to Africa, moving emotions of ivory, which was controversial estimated value showed that nearly 3,200 million won. Accordingly, the prosecution of senior officials of the matter, and socially responsible company that is larger for the ambassador's wife, decided to prosecute formal charges of violating the Customs Act. ..."Return loads were chaenggira" Confessions

Tommy Wright resigns as Lisburn Distillery manager

Tommy Wright resigns as Lisburn Distillery manager Tommy Wright has resigned as manager of Irish Premiership club Lisburn Distillery, BBC Sport understands. Wright is believed to have told the Whites' players of his departure at training on Tuesday night. The former Ballymena United and Limavady boss ... Tommy Wright resigns as Lisburn Distillery manager

Love `Shanghai` deosyo `orange caramel, dancing indopung`

Love `Shanghai` deosyo `orange caramel, dancing indopung` [Baekseonghyeon reporter] 1, 7 pm, in the studio, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea SBS MTV MTV responders better show (The Show) became public record in this field. As the day advanced stage, transcription in the SECRET, clover, sunsets, Simon D, orange caramel, B1A4, flower, yibadi, MCBK, April Kiss, ...Love `Shanghai` deosyo `orange caramel, dancing indopung`

Golden iPad With T-Rex Bone Costs £5m

Golden iPad With T-Rex Bone Costs £5m An iPad customised with gold, diamonds and shavings of Tyrannosaurus rex bone is believed to be the world's most expensive gadget. The £5m device was created by British luxury goods specialist Stuart Hughes. The iPad 2 is encrusted with 12.5-carat ... Golden iPad With T-Rex Bone Costs £5m

Platinum Silver House is not deceived 170 000

Platinum Silver House is not deceived 170 000 Chiayi City, a silver floor business over 40 years old, recently acquired a 170,000 yuan NT platinum, was sent to the identification, found that 99% of iron. Police investigation, claiming to be selling those acquired 20 years ago, her son drunk driving, raise enough money to pay a fine before the sale. Police said today that this business two generations old Bank Building, at the local level has a certain reputation, on October 14 this year, there was about 60 years old ...Platinum Silver House is not deceived 170 000

年夜饭8成单间已订出 菜单略有"缩水"

年夜饭8成单间已订出 菜单略有"缩水" 天津频道 虽然距离龙年春节尚有两个多月的时间,但天津的年夜饭预订工作却已经如火如荼地开展起来。记者近日走访了天津30余家餐馆、酒店,大多数餐饮企业均已开展年夜饭预订工作,其中传统餐馆预订最为火爆,8成以上传 ... 年夜饭8成单间已订出 菜单略有"缩水"

切尔西14场丢17球超去年3倍! 送弱旅欧冠第一球

切尔西14场丢17球超去年3倍! 送弱旅欧冠第一球 切尔西在欧冠第三轮小组赛主场5-0屠杀根克,双方实力并不是在同一个档次。此战博阿斯只是做出一处调整,让拉米雷斯顶替兰帕德首发,其余10人不变。这样的阵容足够强大,不能大比分取胜可以理解,但被根克进球,则是让切 ... 切尔西14场丢17球超去年3倍! 送弱旅欧冠第一球

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